I definitely appreciate all the well wishes etc.

20 Mar 2023, 09:22
I definitely appreciate all the well wishes etc. the purpose of bringing up previous promises is to bring the truth to light and educate you guys on how an actual project functions. The purpose isn’t to run away from previous promises. I don’t care for them. All I know about the previous structure is that there was alot of false promises etc. it’s not meant to take anything away from previous structure but just to explain why there’s a lot of changes. A lot of the promises that were made by the old structure to you guys would KILL this project fully and limit its potential. You guys only hear what was told to you… you don’t know what was happening behind the scenes… That is the main reason I tell everyone to forget what happened before so we can build off a new page because honestly… if you were a great investor you wouldn’t have invested in the previous structure, hence why alot of people bought the top. I know a lot of you guys entered crypto for the first time with this project… I am now here to build off of both the success and failures of the previous structure and make this an ACTUAL PROJECT & SUCCESSFUL. The project was missing guidance and structure. My target was to re-formulate the entire company structure and bring in new investors and partners. I accomplished that. You guys don’t see that because you aren’t on the macro with myself & faris. I don’t just talk. I have accomplished everything that I was here to do so far for my position. And now I’m busy cleaning up someone else’s mess that I apparently inherited. On our end there was ALOT to clean up and figure out. It feels like I inherited someone else’s problems, I dont mind inheriting the work problems… but I am now dealing with the mistakes and promises that were made that I don’t even know about… I’ve been in crypto since 2016, I’ve advised and worked on some of the biggest projects in the world… projects that do 100’s of millions of dollars in volume dont ask me for my advice and pay me lots of money for nothing. I was only trying to get everyone on the same wavelength. It hurts me to see that the mindset of our Arab community is so elementary. That’s why I try to talk to you guys and give my perspective. But it seems like it’s impossible to avoid negativity anyways. Everyone has they’re own perspective. It hurts me to see my people functioning off a false basis. The only reason I joined this project is to be involved in something that directly benefits my brothers and sisters. Any time I speak to you guys it’s out of a pure heart and to build a relationship with you guys and try to provide value and educate. I am going to make sure this project succeeds inshallah regardless of any hate that comes. I will accomplish what i set out to do no matter what. I hope I’m clear. Sorry my Arabic isn’t the best, I really do try my best to communicate. I care about you guys as a community or else I wouldn’t even waste my time. Hope everyone has a blessed week. Community meeting will be announced soon.